About Us

AddAMile is a Services and Competency building venture that brings passion and functional expertise to help our clients manage their online reputation by improving THE MOST CRITICAL component – CUSTOMER SERVICE. Skill Building, Running Effective Operations, Building the right Culture and enabling companies to take the customer service path are our other core values. We cater to all service industry across different geographies and help businesses understand customer service, its impact and its importance thereby helping them thrive and succeed. We are currently focused on the Hotel industry in India with an intent to penetrate the entire service industry universe.


A Strategic Business Operations and Management expert who has 23 years of rich experience in customer servicing and operations management. Saurabh, Pioneered the first call center that was set up in India. From there on he has helped cost centers become profit centers, run and managed extensive portfolios and set up an international revenue generation business ($25M) in the Philippines. He has successfully transformed and turned around WOB to BOB performances. Saurabh has worked with the finest hotels in India including TAJ GROUP OF HOTELS and the first FOUR SEASONS Project in Mumbai, India.

Saurabh Jetli

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